Highlands Business Partnership
Regular Meeting of the Board of Director's
August 12, 2002
Henry Hudson Regional High School
Grand Tour

Executive Session
Carla Braswell, HBP President, called the non-public portion of the meeting to order at 7:19 p.m. There was a meeting quorum for action. In attendance were the following: K. Armstrong, C. Braswell, B. Duncan, L. Bodnar-Nolan, K. James, J. Koenig, M. Kovic, R. Mumford, J. Tedesco, S. Ruby.

Contract Renewals
Bayshore Development Office contract will be expiring on September 30, 2002. An advertisement appeared in the Non-Profit Times and the Chronicles of Philanthropy seeking an individual for management of HBP. As of today HBP has received 6 responses. Anyone interested in the interview process please let Carla know and she will try to coordinate all the interviews for one day. C. Braswell offered space at ShoreGrafx for the new management person and a phone line. Prior to now HBP did not have to pay for office space. J. Koenig stated that HBP office should be independent from ShoreGrafx. B. Duncan stated that the office should definitely be in Highlands so there is a physical presence to walk people through the process. He also felt not is someone’s business possibly municipal complex. J. Tedesco thinks office should be in Borough Hall. He and the mayor have been working to decrease the negative vision of Borough Hall. C. Braswell, M. Kovic, K. Armstrong and S. Ruby do not agree, as it is not a Government thing. K. James doesn’t think HBP should pay for office space. M. Kovic & J. Tedesco suggested possible sites in Town that might be available. They will look into it.
There was consensus from everyone present that for the time being HBP should accept C. Braswell’s offer for office space and at least e line there. Wiss & Company terminated their services June 30, 2002. There is a new group The Curchin Group, LLC who replaced them effective July 1, 2002. Dave Ferullo is still the same contact person.

Robert Goldsmith, Attorney, from Greenbaum Rowe is handling the appeal from the Monmouth County Court decision on behalf of HBP and the Borough. The brief was filed December 2001. As of today there is no date scheduled yet as they do not hear cases during the summer. R. Goldsmith is looking toward September or October 2002 for the case to be heard.

Executive Session was closed by a motion by C. Braswell, second by S. Ruby with all in favor the session was closed at 7:50 p.m.

Carla Braswell, President, called the public session of the HBP Board of Directors to order at 7:51 p.m.

Meeting attendance:O=Present X=Absent
K. Armstrong O B. Duncan O J. Koenig O J. Tedesco O
L. Cartaya X K. Lustig X M. Kovic O S. Ruby O
L. Bodnar-NolanO H. Moyer X J. Wicklund X F. Rosiak X
C. Braswell O K. James O R. Mumford O D. Stafford X

8/16 - 50% plus one = quorum (9/16)
Also in attendance:
Presentation by Sylvia Allen, ACI, HBP Marketing Consultant
Sylvia Allen presented a report to the HBP Board of Directors. It included the following:
Seaport Craft Show Vendor Fees breakdown totaling $1,430.00. Clamfest Vendor fees totaling $9,885.00. Harbor Sounds Concert Series vendor fees totaling $100.00. Oktoberfest vendor fees totaling $1030.00. Sponsorship dollars totaling $17,475.00 which include Werner Dodge $2000.00, Comcast $4,975.00, Seastreak America $5,000.00, Travel and Tourism Grant $5,000.00 and the Farmer’s Market Grant of $500.00. The Banner Program is under way. To date $5,335.00 has been raised through banner sales. The Banner Program is being offered to Highlands businesses first and then to outside corporate sponsors. There are over 30 locations for banner placement along Bay Avenue. ACI reports that future revenue is anticipated to produce $4,225.00 from Oktoberfest & the House Tour. The barter revenue committed includes $5,000 COMCAST, $5,000 BarterPays! And WJLK $5,000. The total value of revenue raised/committed plus barter totals $67,900.00

Sylvia also discussed the Twin Lights Bike Tour, which will be held 9/29/02. There are an estimated 2000 cyclists already. She is trying to get some National PR for this event. Approximately 150 volunteers will be needed to work the event.

Upcoming events including Rediscover and the House Tour were discussed. The House Tour will have 10 units. All details need to be finalized by the end of t he month.

Minutes of the March 11, 2002 Annual Meeting of HBP
Minutes were provided to the Board in advance the week of May 16,2002. Minutes were reviewed and a motion by J. Tedesco, second by K. Armstrong to accept the minutes into corporate record. With all in favor the minutes shall be included in corporate records and added to our Website for public access.

Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s Report as of August 12, 2002 reflects a Balance of $5892.01 in the Shrewsbury State Bank checking account. The Prudential Money Market account has a balance of $29,199.52 as of 7/31/02 and the Prudential Farmers Market account has a balance of $1445.79. As of today outstanding accounts payable total $10,530.32 which include BEDC $224.18 for out of pocket expenses, $7100.00 for Clamfest electric, 3,093. 74 Allen Consulting, $25 ShoreGrafx for the website and $301.80 for the Highlands Garden Club. The Highlands Garden Club invoice was to be paid for by the Borough. C. Braswell will call and have them bill the Borough. The BID Ordinance amendment was adopted on June 27, 2002. The 2002 HBP Budget will be retroactive to Jan 1, 2002. The annual audit was completed March 15, 2002 through the professional services of Wiss and Co. Copies are available upon request. A motion was made by M. Kovic to accept the Treasurer’s Report (with revisions due to a refund issued by ACI) second by K. James. With all in favor the Treasurer’s Report shall be included in corporate records.

Executive Committee –C. Braswell
HBP can now put postings in the Public display case at Borough Hall. The Board will need to review what types of items will be best to display. Mayor & Council had requested all of HBP financial records. C. Braswell gave them 2000 & 2001 and now has ready Jan-June of 2002. J. Tedesco stated that the boroughs CFO and council would do an audit in September on the HBP records provided to Bob Rauen at his request.

Committee Reports
VIC - K. Armstrong, Committee Chair
Parking Design Maintenance Beautification Capital Improvements

HBP Banner Program is underway. Banners should be up in September. K. Armstrong also stated that if a banner is not paid for is will not be put up. K. Armstrong also reported that she would be resigning as VIC chairman. She will see the banners through and will stay on the Board to help out but she cannot be the chairperson.

Economic Development - R. Mumford/B. Duncan, Committee Co-Chairs
S. Ruby and C. Braswell both commented that they would like to see the committee start to take an active role again. Would like to see a business recruitment program initiated and a business friendly guide that could be used for prospective business owners. J. Koenig brought up the fact that there is Federal money available for Ferry Boat improvements but the company cannot apply. The town of BID can apply. The money can be used for improvements such as parking. J. Tedesco requested J. Koenig to supply information so a letter can be given to the mayor about it. B. Duncan commented that if there is money available in Economic Development perhaps HBP could match the town in some grant writing efforts. S. Ruby & C. Braswell both offered their services to help the committee.

Marketing/Special Events - C. Braswell
The Best Kept Secrets brochure is presently being distributed on the thruway. The NMCC Concert Series was again held this year at the Seastreak Ferry Landing. Attendance was down this year due to the weather. It seemed it was either excessive heat or inclement. The Farmers Market is being held again this year every Saturday 9 am- 2pm through October. Weather was an issue for Clamfest this year. B. Duncan felt the Clamfest didn’t get good coverage from the local newspapers. Discussion was held to move the Clamfest back to a Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sun. event for next year and also move it to August 7,8,9 &10 for 2003. There were also some issues with the Electric bill from Clamfest which C.
Braswell is handling along with Sylvia Allen from ACI. For next year it was decided it would be best to meet with the electrician in January to plan for the events and check for any restrictions. Upcoming events include the Twin Lights Bike Tour on 9/29/02, Oktoberfest on 10/5/02 and Rediscover Highlands, which will be held in October and will be slightly different than in previous years. HBP Business Advocate

HBP Business Advocate
A 6 month report was presented to Highlands Business Partnership. On or before September 30, 2002 all records, files and signs will be available for HBP to pick up from the Bayshore Development Office

Action Items:
Old Business

New Business:

  • NMCC Annual Clambake Luau will be held Thursday 8/15/02 6-9 pm at Lorenzo’s Clam Hut Restaurant.
  • Three new businesses in town- Sandy Hook Cottage Bed & Breakfast owned by Nick Evangelista & Eddy Sousa, Skateboard Shop owned by John Nasti and Lorenzo’s Clam Hut Restaurant.


Public Portion:
There was no public present at the meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. by a motion from J. Tedesco, second by M. Kovic with all in favor the meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting of the HBP Board of Directors is:
Monday, November 25, 2002

Submitted by B. Vilanova, Bayshore Development Office 9/30/02